Saturday, September 11, 2010

Laborador Tea is starting to turn.  Their blossoms, turned seed pods, held water nicely.    More Rain.  Everywhere we went today it stank of hydrocarbons - we went to our furthest north site and then one south of Fort Mac, too, and it was all totally smelly and very disconcerting.  Fort McMurray is really rather gross and disgusting on days like today.  Everything is covered with a thick layer of mud -- to the point where rain only makes cars muddier - the mud that is being brought to the main roads by all the 4x4s and massive trucks traveling from the side roads is now liquefied and spraying every which way turning things into one big mud bomb everywhere you look.  Wipers flap helplessly on the windshield as they push around splattered-up mud -- even in a heavy rain.  At the Syncrude main processing site, I watched a worker get out of his car today and take a squeegee to a speed limit sign.   It is that muddy.   One can usually get used to a little mud, and figure that that is part of the gig, but when you don't see the sun and see rain instead and dark skies and trucks that are unidentifiable because of their consistent brown-ness and everything you own is muddy and there is no sun in sight and the air stinks of toxic fumes and did I mention the no sun?  one starts to feel a little unhealthy.  I am feeling a little unhealthy.....       may we be done with Fort Mac soon!!  Wish me luck.
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