I think the best part of the Rally to Restore Sanity/Fear was walking to it. Don’t get me wrong – I had a great time there (for the most part – wait for it), but getting there was exciting. Walking down the hill towards the Washington Monument, again, coffee in hand, we were moving en masse in one general direction with the populous. Noone really knew much of anything about why we were there, except to show up and participate in something positive.
With that, we walked and walked and were joined by more and more people – most also with coffee in hand – and soon it was a sea of people all walking in the same direction – moving toward something big. It felt good. I wish I could have seen that from a helicopter. We soon realized there were way more people there than had been planned for and this was an hour before show-time. We struggled to find a spot where I could at least see a screen every once in a while and planted ourselves. Often, the crowd was more interesting than what was happening on screen – as a short person, I couldn’t see much. But I sure could see my neighbors. An older couple from Wisconsin who had an endless supply of food were trying to meet up with their son giving directions in terms of port-potties and trees (he never showed - shocker), a sarcastic woman from New York who met Devo, an extremely ugly couple trying to meet up with a friend and paying attention to nothing but that, folks in costumes, folks with signs, it was a mish-mash of a mass.
Yusuf Islam and Ozzie Osbourne dueling trains was my favorite. I think even being squished and not being able to move for 4 hours and not seeing much and not hearing everything, it was still worth it to be part of something big. I can always watch it on TV… It isn’t often you can be a part of something like that. Glad to have gone.
It was a mad rush to get out as the sea moved very slowly and we took over the roads. Straight to a great Halloween party and a quick change and we were back having fun with friends. It was a fun day for sure. Love the Halloween party where we were all characters of The Life Aquatic or other Wes Anderson movies. Fire was started in a cement and aluminum shark mouth with a massive blow torch, great food everywhere, beer free-flowing, and jellies glowing around the pond. Folks had great fun and it was the perfect topper to the weekend.
Happy belated Halloween. Stay sane.
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