Last night I ate at Long Grain. Right on the main drag (Route 1), Long Grain has been open since last August. Thai food in Maine, and was it ever good! Probably the best spring rolls I've had, and I've had my share. Good enough for me to order a second batch today for the road as I was leaving town. Got the idea from my wait person/bar tender/all around server and good person last night. She orders them for plane trips, and what a great idea that is!! They are great - with caramelized onions and fresh basil, they are delicious and travel very well. Long Grain is a local draw and at one point over half the tables were involved in a conversation giving me advice on where to go and what to do while in town. I felt very 'In' there in local establishment eating great food and drinking some lovely pinot. Apparently I look very much like I am related to some folks who live there - that may have helped :-).
All in all a great trip so far. The snow storm and freakish cold weather has only made things more interesting. Only once or twice have I feared for frozen toes or sliding off the road. I hope the 1.5 feet of snow we received back home stays put until I can enjoy it all.