Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Lovely, Dark, and Deep

Snow fell last night.  The estimates kept changing to the tune of expecting 18 inches, then only two, and finally what really fell was about 6. Six was enough to give us a two hour delay for work and I decided to just bag the rest of it and call it a Me Day.  A well-deserved Me Day.

The picture to the left is from the River Trail at Valley Forge this afternoon.  I took a 4-mile cross country ski expedition and it was one of the best skis I've had in a really long time.  I got new boots at the REI end of season sale last year and got out a few times but mostly in icy crunchy conditions.  Today the packed powder was perfect and the boots were awesome.   It is cold enough out there to not be melting the snow making it sticky and to keep my body cool but at the same time warm enough to not freeze my nose off.  Buffleheads and Coots floated down the river with Canada Geese.  A feeding flock of tufted titmice and chickadees chirped me along. It was fantastic. I am sore.

Extra added bonus:  I get back home and the smell of rising yeasty pizza dough wafts from the kitchen and it is Meyer Lemon season finally again.  Fresh pizza for dinner accompanied by a Meyer Lemon cocktail.   Happy day!

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