Thursday, July 05, 2012

Elvis has Left the Building

The porch is cool(er) at 7 in the morning….  Turns out, early is a good time to exist in an 11 day heat wave.  Who knew.   Coming off a stint in Nashville, where the temperature was literally Africa-hot (I'm talking same temp as Baghdad (109 F) but it is not a Dry Heat), the mid 90’s really isn’t THAT bad.  Still, it gets on my nerves.  The easy morning air full of bird chatter and cicada buzzing is most welcome….    

Returning home this past weekend, we were primed for the heat.  Our stay in Nashville required active hydration, something readily found in the Music City.  Downtown is full-up brimming with honky-tonks and loud bars and watering holes of all sorts  –  folks drinking, smoking sections, and live music cannot be avoided even at breakfast time.  There is only so much of that I can take, really, but in small doses, very fun.  I learned about $1200 cowboy boots, Stetson hats, Nashville Hot Chicken, twang, spangled shirts, Jimmy Buffett haunts, pralines, the Ryman, the Coliseum, guitar cases and amps on the move, license plate encrusted old-time country joints, Gee’s Bend quilts, Elvis on every street corner.  In short:  a nice place to visit, but I wouldn’t want to live there.

Sadly, I missed a good chunk of the food scene (which you know is key!) and the next time I find myself there, I plan to eat well.  I hear great things and had some glimpses.

For now, let it be said:   I’ve had a taste of the culture and it is fried.

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