Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Holiday Freak Out

Holiday season:  a time to love people and to hate people.  
Cognitive dissonance. 

Here is the problem:  I'm behind with my shopping.  I am.  I admit it.  Therefore, I am hating people.  They get in my way and are a nuisance when all I want to do is get in and buy the book.  sigh.  breathe.  Get the fuck out of my way.  This is a HOLIDAY OF GIVING, NOT A TIME FOR FREAKING OUT.  Right?  Bunch of trouble makers getting in my way.

And so this:  with a few days of shopping under my belt... I'm working at changing my perspective from stressed, to actively easing into What-Ever.  I'm cool.  That's the spirit.  Right?

'Tis the season to be joyful.  'Tis the season to be happy.  'Tis the season to Go With The Flow. But, oh my God....  

Pretty damn hard.
Reminder:  Good.

Wish me luck.  

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