Saturday, May 10, 2014

Mom Day

   Nearly a year...   I suppose it is to be expected.  I dropped the ball, but here I write.  I do not want this to evolve into a blog about what has happened over this past year or what has evolved From this past year... BUT...  a Lot has happened and right now I'm nearing a day dedicated to moms - a holiday driven by Hallmark, and I must admit, not fully understood by me until most recently.  This past year was busy, and through it all I have been loved and supported by a woman I call Mom.  
   And so on the cusp of this year's circumnavigation, I pause and I breathe, and I send a very very large hug out to her.  Happy Mother's Day to a woman I respect and love and who has gone above and beyond to encourage me not only through this very busy of years, but for every year and for every day of my life.  I can always count on Mom to tell it to me straight and to love me and be there for me.  I don't have to worry about a messy house.  She fills my fridge when it is empty.  She makes me pies when skies are blue.  She is support personified.

   I cannot express how much I love and appreciate my Mom.  She is an inspiration.  Happy Mother's Day, Mom....  Love you.     

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